Opinion: Printing should be free for students | Opinion

A semester’s worth of printing costs can add up. Many students only use printing services for assignments. Students shouldn’t have to pay extra for printing.

UNC Charlotte charges nine cents to print a single sheet of paper using black ink. It costs 30 cents to print color. When you consider college tuition costs, there are some students who can’t afford to pay too much. Many students find it difficult to print their assignments.

printer printer printer

Photo of an on campus printer

Many professors still require assignments printed. This is due to the fact that technology can be faulty. This does not mean that printing isn’t difficult for some students. 

According to a Poll Radford University students print on average twenty-five pages each week. This is equivalent to $2.25 per Week or $36 per Semester at Radford University.

Many students don’t understand why printing costs aren’t covered by tuition.

Alina Madsourivong a fourth year communications student at Charlotte said, “There is no reason for the university not to charge students printing.” “The University should offer easy access for those who don’t have a printer. Instead, students will be expected to pay for such services.

It is unfair for students to be forced to make a choice between having to pay to print their assignments or keep up with their classes. Although it seems obvious, students should not be forced to make this choice. Students already have to pay tuition, board, and books. The cost of printing seems prohibitive. 

Some students don’t have to pay for printing on campus, which is odd. Although this is a positive step, it needs to be uniform. Printing is not something students enjoy doing. They do it because they must. Printing should be available for free to all students.

Charlotte students receive the same education. Therefore, it seems unfair to some students that they can print for no cost. Every student wants to get the most out of their education.

There are legitimate concerns that students might abuse the printing facilities, even though they were free. These are legitimate concerns. However, there are ways around them. There may be a limit to the pages that a student can print. Officials at George Washington University have this to say: Allotted $30 for printing Students can receive credit More than half of students at the University used the program. 

Similar programs are available at the University of Texas at Austin. According to the University of Texas at Austin’s website, “civil, architectural, and environmental engineering students at UT receive a 40-percent printing credit each semester.” Daily TexanThe University’s student newspaper,. 

While this amount might not be sufficient for all students, it will help to alleviate some of their concerns. English majors and journalism majors have many assignments that they must print out for class. A $30-$40 donation could make it easier to keep up with their grades.

Students go to school to learn. The last thing they want is to worry about printing out assignments for class. If printing credits are not an option, it could be a good solution.

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